Receiving Grace for Exponential Increase
Week 3
Father, I thank you for the third week of this fasting exercise. I decree in the name of Jesus; THAT THIS IS MY SEASON OF EXPONENTIAL INCREASE.
For the remaining days of this fasting, I receive grace from my inner man to engage in effectual fervent prayer. My prayer will yield unto me abundant harvest James 5:16. For the rest of the year. I decree that my spirit man will yield to the spirit of God to search and demand the will of the father to be establish in my life in this season of exponential increase.
My Father, I will accomplish much more this year through the expression of the holy spirit inside of me. I will execute your word spoken over me with precision and accuracy. ALCC community will engage with precision and profit exponentially from all the spoken word pronounce from your servant since the beginning of this year and the fasting exercise in Jesus name.
I declare that my desire for God will increase. I will go out of my way to seek him. My depth of God’s understanding will increase. I will search for him and find him in deeper dimension this year so that I will be strong and do exploit. Daniel 11:32.
I demand exponential increase in this season. I gain access into the supernatural. My territory knows no bound, your hand in upon me for unbelievable testimonies, I am protected from harm and delivered from pain and I work in authority of the King in Jesus name. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
In this season. I activate the covenant of peace over my life, my family and ALCC community. I demand peace in my home and over my territory. I become the herald of peace. I work in perfect peace because my mind is steadfast in your word. I work in perfect peace because I will trust in you more this year in Jesus name. Isaiah 26:3.
I declare in this season, Grace and Peace are unfolding unto me in abundance through the knowledge of the God in me. Nations shall be partakers of his grace through my life in Jesus name. 2 Peter 1:1-2
I declare in the name of Jesus that I find help in all that God has made. The Lord is my present help, I am marvelously helped of God and men in this season. I receive innovative idea, increase in financial and material wealth. 2 Chronicles 26:14-16
In this season of exponential increase. I reject laziness, I position myself, I engage my mind and I emulate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise. I come in the order of Abraham my father and I receive my promise in Jesus name. Hebrew 6:12-15.
My father, my father I receive the baptism of patience in this season. the ability to stay and wait upon you, even when I have obeyed all your instructions. Because my patience will produce unto me exponential result in jesus name. Heb 10:36.
I decree in this season of exponential increase, I activate great faith that conquered kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promised blessings and stopped the mouths of lions in Jesus name, Amen Hebrew 11: 33
In this season, the Ministry of the Holy Spirit is my advantage. So, I possess the God-dimension of wisdom, capacity, and results. The Holy Spirit has given me an incomparable degree of superiority in my sphere of influence for incomparable results. John 14:26.
I decree in this season of exponential increase. I will seek the lord and I will find him because I will search for him with all my heart and my soul. I reject distraction and inconsistency. Deut 4:29 Jeremiah 29:13.
I receive greater grace to wait on you in this season for strength. I will mount up with wings as eagles, I will run and not be weary and I will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40 :31.
Like Sarah, by faith I receive strength to conceive my seed, my situation notwithstanding. I judge you faithful because you have promised. My seed will produce unto me bountiful harvest in the name of Jesus. Amen Heb 11:12
I decree in this season, because we are the redeemed of the lord, we shall come to Zion with singing; and everlasting joy shall be upon our heads: we shall celebrate and shout because all sorrows and worries will be gone far away in Jesus name. Isaiah 35:10.
This year, I am a wise man. I will build my house on the rock, I will be diligent, I engage the excellent spirit of Daniel and I walk into my increase.
I receive great grace and capacity to follow when you make, lead and guide me this year. I surrender absolutely this year than ever, and I walk into my exponential increase in Jesus name. Ps 23:1-2.
I decree all things works for my good this year and beyond. My greatness is greatly increase on every side. I have been called according to his purpose into abundance. Romans 8:28
ALCC commission will enter the era of exponential increase this year because the hand of the Lord is upon all members to showcase his glory. ALCC commission become a sign and wonder all over the nations of the world in Jesus name.
By the authority in the name of Jesus, my eyes of understanding are open. I walk in love and compassion. I have the revelational knowledge to know and understand the strategies that will position me into my increase and to be relevant in my generation and to enjoy the good of the land. Ephesians 1:17-19.
Because of your mercy and compassion. I declare that the Lord will carry me in the shadow of his wings every moment of this year, until the calamities of the season be passed. By the authority in the name of Jesus, my family and I are divinely exempted from adversities, from calamities, and from misfortunes this year. Psalms 57:1
There shall be no reason to sorrow, or grief in my family and the family of ALCC this year and beyond. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand; but it will not come near me. We shall rejoice forever in the goodness of the Lord. Psalms 91:7
There shall be voices of rejoicing, voices of merry and voices of thanksgiving in my life, in my family and in the family of Abundant Life Christian Center. Jeremiah 30:19-20.
I declare that I am a blessing to my generation; God’s blessing is upon me, providing unto me platforms by the instrumentality of favor. I have expansion, fruitfulness, glorification, and multiplication by the BLESSING.
I am an agent of transformation and of Godly influence in my household, in my community, in my city, in my nation and the entire world in Jesus name. 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
Thank you, Father. You have qualified us to share in the inheritance of your holy people in the kingdom of light. We are also grateful for granted us the strength and expression to pray according to your will.
I receive this season, the doing grace to initiate and sustain your presence in my life, my family, and my community. We will cast all our cares on the lord, and you will sustain us. You will never allow us to be shaken, slip, fail or fall. Psalm 55:22
I declare in this season. God is working on the heart of people for my advantage, the hearts of my destiny helpers become restless until it delivers unto me things to favor me this year and beyond in Jesus name.
Because I belong to God. I am diligent and my plans will surely lead me to abundance and advantage this year in Jesus name. Pro 21:5.
I decree and declare that the fruit of my words, and my deeds will return to me as an abundance harvest in this season. Pro 12:14.
God’s favor will enable men and women to get involved in my life in using their influence, positions, and resources to advance my destiny for outstanding progress this year and beyond in Jesus name. I will not lack divine and human support now and always.
I decree and declare that you will increase my faith, my faith will transform my mindset, I will intentionally increase my capacity so that I can experience the increase promised in this season. my labor this year will yield unto me unexplainable profit and I walk into exponential increase. Pro 14:23.
I receive urgency in my spirit to understand the times and take advantage of the season. Time and season will work for me. Riches and wealth will become unto me tools for exponential increase this year.
I am marvelously helped; my influence knows no bound. I go forth in the name of the Lord; therefore cities, towns, societies, associations, governments, industries, nations, and continents are programmed to response and welcome me into abundance. Psalms 24:7.
I declare ALCC commission is equips with strength spiritually, mentally, numerically, and physically for her ordained task this season. ALCC commission arms are strong and produce unto herself measurable evidence in Jesus name. Pro 31:17.
I declare that this year. The lord has restrained my voice from weeping and my eyes from tears. My work will be rewarded with unexplainable result, and everyone will rejoice with me in Jesus name. Jere 31:16.
I decree that my spirit man is strong, confident, and courageous. I take over the inheritance of this land which the Lord has sworn to us in his word. Joshua 1:6.
I welcome the household of ALCC to it season of exponential increase, We receive it all with boldness, confident and courage in the face of any fear and intimidation of this ungodly systems and culture. Jeremiah 1:6-8
We shall be faithful and fearless in carrying out God’s divine agenda. I decree acceleration of all good things declared and spoken by God’s servant over my life and over ALCC commission in this season in Jesus name. Ezekiel 12:28.
I decree that because of this acceptable fast and in accordance with God’s word. Like Moses, you will made your ways know unto me and your deeds known to my community. Ps 103:7.
I decree in this season of exponential increase. I subscribe to an higher ways and higher thoughts. The heavens are higher than the earth, my ways and thoughts reside the realms of the supernatural was outstanding results. Isa 55:6.
I earnestly desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and best gifts of the kingdom this year, so that you can show unto me a more excellent way in Jesus name 1 Cor 12:31.
I decree and declare that your kingdom will rule over my mind, my thought, my intellect, my attitude, my character, my intent , my pan and over everything you have given me in Jesus name. Ps 103:19.
I decree and declare that this year I apply my heart to discipline and my ears to words of knowledge. I engage wisdom and instructions, and I discern the saying of understanding. Pro 1:2
As I walk into exponential increase this year. I receive the grace to keep my mouth and tongue from evil. My mouth and tongue will be instruments of righteousness Pro 21:23.
I put a guard on my tongue, I keep my heart from evil, because abundance flows from it. I will not shut it down with malice, bitterness and hatred this year in Jesus name. Pro 4:23.
I declare that my children and all the children in ALCC will be mighty in the land. Their generation will be upright and be blessed. They shall operate in the fear of the Lord. Their hearts will pant for the presence of God.
I declare that all parents will be a truthful representation of what Christ is, we will not play church this year, we will not confuse our children. We will all accomplish our primary assignment to lead them to Christ in Jesus name.
I declare in this season; you will make me a thousand times better and you will bless me as you have promised. I can’t be limited. I excel with the wings of the eagles. Deut 1:11.
In the name of Jesus, I will gain possessions and acquired property wherever I go. I will be fruitful and multiplied greatly. Gen 47:27.
I will position myself rightly to attract possibilities and opportunities that heaven has apportioned for me daily throughout this year. I will connect with My God send helper that will lead me to my promised destination in this season. 1 Samuel 30:11-12.
I declare you as Lord over everything in my life. I will not struggle for control, but I will submit to your control. Psalm 37:5.
I decree that I walk in love more than ever before. The holy spirit gives me deeper expression of agape love. My love walk positioned me for abundance and significant advantage in this season.
By the authority in the name of Jesus, I receive victory over the powers of darkness and over all the plans of the enemy concerning my destiny this year and beyond.
By the grace of God, I declare that there shall be evidence of exponential increase in every areas of my life, my household and in the lives of all ALCC members this year.
I decree and declare that this is my season of seedtime and harvest. I sow cheerfully and sacrificially. Abundance harvests are made available to me.
In this season, my seed has a voice, my seed will call forth my financial future. I will not eat my seed; I will strategically position my seed into the good land that bring until me hundredth fold.
We embrace accelerated favor for promotion and elevation. I declare and embrace accelerated favor that every human policy that are unfavorable to me and God’s people this year will be reversed to favor us. Esther 5:2.
I decree that Pastor Festus & Anthonia Adeyeye are like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season in season. There leaves will not wither, everything they do will prosper and be fully established in Jesus name. Psalms 1:3.
In this season. I decree that Pastor Festus & Anthonia Adeyeye receive greater boldness and fearless confidence in preaching your word, as you stretch out your hand to ALCC commission and the entire world in healings, miracles, and wonders in the name of your holy son Jesus. Acts 4:29
I declare that as Pastor Festus & Anthonia Adeyeye wait upon the Lord in this season. The lord will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
I decree in this season as Pastor Festus & Anthonia Adeyeye call out to one, one thousand men will answer. You will bless them with mighty men, souled out for the kingdom’s assignment.
I communicate double honor with my words, my time, my money and with everything God has given me to Pastor Festus and Anthonia Adeyeye going forward in the name of Jesus. 1 Timothy 5:17
Heavenly father I pray that the seven-fold spirit of God that was upon Jesus Christ will rest actively upon my life and the entire family of ALCC in greater dimension this year and henceforth in Jesus name. Isaiah 11:2
I decree and declare that the leadership of ALCC commission and I shall receive the baptism of the spirit for excellence, the spirit of knowledge, of understanding, of interpreting dreams, solving of riddles in Jesus name. Daniel. 5:12.
As God’s grace was released upon the early church that it spread to every nook and cranny of their world, greater grace shall rest upon me and ALCC commission in this season.
My father, we thank you for establishing your word in my life is this season of fasting and prayer. I thank you lord for strengthen me this far. Thank you for the assurance of answered prayers.
I decree this year that I will live wisely and shine like the brightness of heaven, and because I will lead many souls to righteousness I will shine like stars for ever and ever in Jesus name. Dan 12:3.
I decree that my exponential increase will become an evangelist describing your wonder to the world. I decree that I am bearing fruits of salvation and deliverance. I attract souls to Christ. Everything I do this year will always reveal Jesus and glorify him.
I shall lend to many nations. I shall live in plenty. With long life God will satisfy me. By faith in the name of Jesus, God has released resources into my life from his good treasures. Deuteronomy 28:12.
I possess the God-dimension of wisdom, capacity for peace in troubles waters, and the grace to succeed where others have failed this year.
I declare that all the young adults in ALCC will rise above the corruption of this world. The fear of the Lord will permeate their hearts and God will cause them to be mighty and great in the land.
I declare that our young adults will be for Godly signs and wonders to their generations and will bring God back to the center in their generation. Psalms 112:2-3. Isaiah 8:18
I pray that God will increase me on all sides and that there will be no lack or dryness in any area of my life, I will dwell in supernatural abundance spiritually, physically and materially to fulfill my destiny in Jesus name. Psalms 71:21, Isaiah 58:11
I boldly affirm by faith that the heavens above is open. The ground beneath me in fruitful. my destiny journey is peaceful, colored with excellence.
Heavenly father, I decree that concerning my life, the activities of darkness will come to a permanent end in the name of Jesus. I pray that all the agenda of God for my life shall be fulfilled speedily.
By faith in the name of Jesus, I declare that every day of my life this year shall be fully loaded with good benefits of financial, spiritual, career and marital breakthroughs. Psalms 68:19.
Heavenly father I pray that you continue to add multitude of souls daily to ALCC church for the expansion of your kingdom and for the glory of your name.
I declare that the spirit of love and unity to permeate this church. Abundant Life Christian Center Commission shall forever be a place of holiness and purity. 1 John 17:21, 1 Thessalonians 3:12.
I boldly affirm that the doors of salvation, financial breakthrough and advancement will be permanently opened for my household and the family of ALCC in Jesus name. Zech. 9:11, 10:1.
Today is the day of thanks and appreciation to God for allowing you and the family of ALCC to have completed this glorious journey.
Father, I thank you for the grace granted me and the family of ALCC locally and globally in completing this spiritual adventure of 21 days of fasting and prayers. I thank you for the manifestations of your promises over us this year.
I pray that just as Hannah came back to Shiloh with Samuel as evidence of her prayer, you will grant me and ALCC members the grace to come back with our testimonies.
I give you praise and thanks ahead for the testimonies of good things throughout this year.
I pray that this is our year of continuous testimonies of your favor, your goodness and of your divine manifestations in our midst.
I am grateful for the privilege granted us to enjoy your goodness and to be your ambassadors this year and beyond.