The focus of the ministry is to assist, provide or render aid to members of the body of Christ. Consideration will only be given to those who have experienced an unexpected severe interruption to their normal cash flow. Aid given is a gift and should in no way be presented or construed as a LOAN by ALCC.
The assistance is based on the following criteria:
- Membership Tenure: You have to be a member of the church for at least three (3) months.
- Funds Availability: There is a set amount given toward the benevolence fund. When it has been depleted, you can be considered for the following month.
- No cash is given to the applicant: A check(s) is given to the vendor only.
- You must be a regular tither: The committee will review your given report through ALCC’s records for at least the last three (3) months to look for consistency in the area of your tithe if you are (a member) or in the case of ( a visitor) you must be a regular giver.
- You can only receive assistance once a year: You must not have been granted assistance over the past 12 months.
- Husband and wife membership: The husband must initiate the request or both must be in agreement with the request.
- Righteous Living: Must be living a righteous lifestyle consistent to the teachings from the Word of God.
All calls or letters are to be forwarded from a person requesting assistance to the Membership Services Benevolence Coordinator.
The Membership Services Benevolence Coordinator will complete a Benevolence Request Form for each request made and will then begin the process to assist the applicant.
The Benevolence Coordinator will request a giving report to review at least the last three (3) months of giving consideration. However, prior years will be reviewed focusing on consistency.
The Benevolence Coordinator will confer with the Benevolence Committee and provide all of the information connected with the request for assistance.
Once the Benevolence Committee has concluded their findings, the Membership Services Benevolence Coordinator will convey that information back to the applicant. If the applicant is approved the information will be conveyed to the Accounting Department for check(s) to be written.
Once the check(s) are written The Membership Services Benevolence Coordinator will pick up the check(s) and print out a Benevolence Approval letter to provide along with the check(s) then contact the applicant for pick-up.
To verify if assistance is to be GRANTED or DENIED, the procedures listed below should be followed.
- Conduct an initial interview with the applicant and complete a Benevolence Request Form:
A. Minister to the applicant and notify them of the guidelines.
B. Secure additional information ( i.e bills, account numbers, due date, etc)
C. Set a time to get back with the applicant. ( All requests must be handled completely within 72 Hours, if at all possible) - Once the form is completed, verify the information through asking question as needed to determine the accuracy of the information given
3. Contact the Accounting Department to review the applicant’s request and verify funds availability. The Membership Service Benevolence Coordinator should then hold a corporate consultation to review the applicant’s request with the Benevolence Committee for a decision on the request.
4. Inform the applicant of the decision. If their request is approved, re-verify that you have the correct vendor and any account numbers that would apply. If their request is denied, give a brief explanation for the denial and minister tot the applicant again.
Pastor Anthonia is to be notified by the Membership Service benevolence Coordinator of all requests after the Benevolence Committee has reviewed for final review.
- Verify if applicant has pursued the possibility of acquiring assistance from any local and state agencies of family and family before proceeding with the application.
- FOOD REQUEST – All food requests are handled ASAP. It is the consensus of the ministry that no member or family of the ministry shall be without Food, therefore the applicant need only to be a member. A gift certificate purchased from Pathmark, in an amount based in the number of family members in your household:
A. 1 Family Member:$50; 2 Family Members $100, and 3 or more family members $150.
B. Frequency of food assistance is limited to 3 per year and not to be given more than once within the same month.
C. Each Food Request is based on available funds. - UTILITIES REQUEST – When a member in the body desires assistance with their utilities, the following dollar amounts and conditions shall be considered towards such and dollar amount shall not exceed these listed below.
A. Light bill not to exceed $150.
B. Gas bill not to exceed $60
C. Water Bill not to exceed $25 - MORTGAGE RENT OR LEASE PAYMENT REQUEST
a. Assistance is granted according to the interruption and available funds
b. If request is granted, check should be made payable to the mortgage company, landlord or leaser. If a check is made to an individual, the lease or rental agreement must be supplied with both parties names listed on the agreement before a check is given.
c. Benevolence payment is not to exceed $500.
d. The mortgage, rent or lease agreements should be in the name of the requestor. - NO ASSISTANCE OR PAYMENT MADE TOWARDS THE FOLLOWING:
a. Telephone bills
b. Car notes
c. Personal or consumer loans
d. NSF ( Non Sufficient Funds) checks
e. Funeral Expenses (with exception if the deceased is a member, a $500 check will be made to the funeral home as part of the funeral expenses).
f. Hospital Bills
g. Home Repairs
h. Life, auto or health insurance payments
i. Out-of-Town travel expenses
j. School tuition, daycare - Ministry shall be provided by authorized person or persons appointed by the Pastor. Depending on the nature of challenge and circumstances, ministry should be done by gender ( i.e man to man, woman to woman). Ministry should be recommended to applicant for the needed area.
- REQUEST BY NON-MEMBERS shall be considered if they attend services on a regular basis. The first priority is to our members.
- After a final decision is made, all completed forms should be turned over to the Accounting Department for processing. Forms for applicants that did not meet the guidelines should include explanation for denial.
- For applicants that meet the guidelines, the Member Services Department will inform the Benevolence Coordinator when the member’s check(s) has been completed.
- All applicants requests are to be filed by the Membership Services Benevolence Coordinator in alphabetical order.